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Free Minibooks on Mainframe Topics |
The purpose of these booklets is to get you started when there is no other way--you donít have time to go to a class, and donít want to buy a complete book on the topic and try to find the things you need to know. Choose from books on SQL, REXX, DB2, ISPF, JCL, or the OS/390 file system from author Gabe Gargiulo. |
URL: http://hometown.aol.com/rexxauthor/justenuf.htm |
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Is the P/390 right for you? Mainframe Service Providers Inc. |
MainFrame Service Providers Inc. has put together a quick evaluation form to determine if the P/390, IBM's PC Server System 390 (the mainframe on a desktop), is right for your shop. |
URL: http://www.mfsp.com/p390feasability.htm |
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MVS Application and System Programming |
This portal site for MVS and Linux application and systems programmers has an excellent compilation of daily updated news and the best in technical articles from major print and online publications and news services, as well as links to other sources on the web. Topics include analysis/design, Cobol, Java, hardware, jobs and training, management, research, and storage. Worth the visit. |
URL: http://www.sysprog.net/ |
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Enterprise Zone DEV-X |
This portal is full of information and advice for enterprise developers. The "Get answers from our pros" and "10-minute solutions" sections are especially useful for solving tough developer problems. |
URL: http://www.enterprise-zone.com/ |
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OS/390 Application Development Solution IBM |
S/390 Application Development Solution delivers a comprehensive set of essential IBM application development tools and middleware products which are available pre-loaded on IBM's S/390 Multiprise 3000 Enterprise Server. |
URL: http://www.s390.ibm.com/ads/ |
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OS/390 Information Wizardry IBM |
If you'd like help with some of those complex tasks that you do infrequently, then check out Web-based wizards. Wizards are interactive assistants that ask you a series of questions about the task you want to do (for example, set up a Parallel Sysplex configuration) and then custom-build a checklist of steps for you to follow. For configuration tasks, wizards also build customized JCL and other data sets for you to use. |
URL: http://www.s390.ibm.com/os390/bkserv/wizards.html |
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S/390 Application Solutions Directory IBM |
The directory contains information about several thousand applications currently being offered by hundreds of S/390 independent software vendors and IBM. Use this application to easily and quickly identify interesting software solutions and contact the respective vendor for more information. |
URL: http://www.ibmlink.ibm.com/cgi-bin/s390sasw |
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Planet IT Enterprise Applications |
Planet IT offers a section covering applications for small, medium and large enterprise systems. Users can read original news, as well as current and archived stories from such CMP publications as InformationWeek and InternetWeek, participate in online discussions, and register to receive Planet ITís Enterprise Applications email newsletter. |
URL: http://www.planetit.com/techcenters/enterprise_apps... |
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Open source meets big iron Dr. Dobb's Journal |
Dozens of studies during the last 20 years have shown that good working practices improve programmer productivity more than new languages, WYSIWYG interfaces, CASE tools, and other silver bullets. Despite this, most programmers still start coding without a design, then go on to short-change testing and set wildly unrealistic delivery schedules. (June 2000) |
URL: http://www.ddj.com/articles/2000/0006/0006b/0006b.h... |
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AlphaWorks IBM |
This site provides early-adopter developers direct access to IBM's emerging alpha-code technologies. If you are an innovative developer or technology decision-maker, this is your chance to work directly with IBM's researchers and developers through the discussion forum and influence the earliest phases of IBM's new product development. |
URL: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/ |