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Mainframe Market Monitor online quote Xephon |
This cost comparator correlates the price you’ve been quoted for IBM or IBM-compatible mainframe or storage systems against those recently sold, and tells you what kind of a deal you’re getting. |
URL: http://www.xephon.com/mmquote.html |
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Business S/390 Magazine IBM |
This IBM publication aimed at top-level corporate executives examines using the S/390 and its applications in terms of business strategy. |
URL: http://www9.s390.ibm.com/business390/index.html |
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Should you replace your old computer systems, or buy new ones? Planet IT |
The consensus for many businesses is to continue making sizable investments in their tried-and-true systems, including adapting them for Internet applications, to which they bring a level of scalability and reliability that some of the newer systems can't match. (Aug. 9, 1999) |
URL: http://www.planetit.com/techcenters/docs/executive_... |
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Juggling technology relationships Wall Street & Technology |
Many IT managers must deal with scores, if not hundreds, of technology suppliers and consultants. This article outlines what to consider when selecting and building relationships with multiple hardware and software vendors. (April 1, 2000) |
URL: http://www.planetit.com/techcenters/docs/new_econom... |
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Enterprise server essentials IBM |
A non-technical guide for executives whose business goals cannot be compromised by IT-imposed limitations, this article discusses the differences between using mainframe, Unix, and NT servers. |
URL: http://www.s390.ibm.com/marketing/gf225122.html |
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ITExchange |
ITExchange is a directory service for selling, buying, or leasing refurbished mainframe, midrange, PC, workstation, and networking equipment. |
URL: http://www.remarketing.com/ |
Do you want to help other 390 professionals? Become an expert and answer questions targeted towards a specific category. |