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Mainframe Market Monitor online quote Xephon |
This cost comparator correlates the price you’ve been quoted for IBM or IBM-compatible mainframe or storage systems against those recently sold, and tells you what kind of a deal you’re getting. |
URL: http://www.xephon.com/mmquote.html |
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Adaptive storage solutions: an imperative in times of rapid change IBM |
This white paper written by IDC, complete with video clips, explains why traditional approaches to storage management inhibit the ability of companies to react quickly, and how the acceleration in the rate of business change requires an enterprise storage strategy. |
URL: http://www.storage.ibm.com/hardsoft/products/ess/id... |
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Businesses profit from competition in storage market Information Week |
Competition in the high-end storage market is leading to lower prices, better support, and customized services from IBM. (Jan. 24, 2000) |
URL: http://www.planetit.com/techcenters/docs/storage/pr... |
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Is IBM's Enterprise Storage Server really "virtual"? TechRepublic |
IBM's Enterprise Storage Server, developed under the code name "Shark," is clearly intended to eat the competition alive in the market for big, terabyte-scale hard disk arrays. But there are questions about the Shark's ability to handle "virtual" storage. (Aug 23, 1999) |
URL: http://www.techrepublic.com/article.jhtml?id=/revie... |
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Deep Computing—Data Storage IBM |
IBM Research's site delves into the future of storage technology, highlighting the company's latest projects and findings. |
URL: http://www.research.ibm.com/topics/deep/storage/ |
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Millipede packs in data Wired |
The ultra-dense Millipede technology is a mechanical system that resembles one of computing's earliest storage mediums--punch cards. IBM researchers in Zurich are developing storage technology that in a few years may lead to minute devices with 100 times the density of today's hard drives. (Feb. 10, 2000) |
URL: http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,34250,0... |
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IBM’s Shark presses EMC storage on price Computerworld |
Analysts say that IBM’s Shark, officially called Enterprise Storage System, is becoming a viable alternative to EMC’s Symmetrix, with aggressive pricing and new features. (March 6, 2000) |
URL: http://www.computerworld.com/cwi/story/0,1199,NAV47... |
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